It's day nine!
I have stuck to the usual routine that is:
- Good breakfast with protein in it
- Weight training first then
- Cardio routine.
- Post workout protein drink
- After 1-2 hours later: good proportionate lunch
- Work routine.
- Tea: Coffee + proportionate amount of protein
- Dinner: Good proportionate dinner
- Supper: Pre-sleep meal
Although I have called my programme my BFL(Body-For-Life) Programme, it isn't. Really!
The only thing that is 12 weeks is that my deadline, that is by 1st September, I will be looking something like this:

Even the eating I find is the most challenging and if you have read Bill Phillips Book: Body-for-Life, he encourages eating 6 or 7 times a day. That is something like 1 small meal every 2 or 3 hours.
If you were to think about it, that is possible:
- Morning Breakfast
- Pre lunch break/2nd breakfast
- Lunch
- Tea time / pre dinner break
- Dinner
- Supper
"BUT! Isn't this too much? Eathing like this? I'd grow FAT doing this!"
Yeah, I hear ya! If you read the previous, previous paragraph about what Bill Phillips suggests: "...small meals..." you'll realize that meals during the "big 3" should not be that huge:
- Soup +
- Appetizer +
- Main dish +
- Dessert +
- Beverage (Tea/Coffee/whatever...)
- Morning: Coffee/Tea/nothing because no time to eat
- 2nd breakie(what's that?!)
- Lunch: Big lunch meal! (or no time to eat / eat "Old Chang Khee" = junk!)
- Tea time (or only when the boss is not around!)
- Dinner: Big dinner meal! (really haveta eat becos too hungry now / again no time)
- Supper: Big super meal!! (really really haveta eat because have not eaten the whole day!)
Can you guys imagine the disaster that is happening to our bodies as we continue doing this. I am sure that there is those amongst you who don't / won't do this all the time because when the weekend comes, REALLY NORMAL eating habits may be restored.
Okay, I know that it is not my place here to advice what should be or what should not be done as there are real EXPERTS out there who can (really) advice you what to do to get that Body-for-life.
I have always mentioned Bill Phillips and his Body-for-Life programme and now, I believe that it is time to introduce to you guys the real no BS guy whom I really admire: Tom Venuto of Burn The Fat. Feed The Muscle fame. Check out his website:
Cheers! =)
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