Wow! How time passes when you ignore it!
Depending on how you look at it, my lack of postings may look like either I am lazy to put up something new or there is nothing new to put up or that I have so much to do that I have not find the time to put up something new.
From the way I see it, there is all the reasons above and also none. And as part of NLP training, I am taught that there is no right or wrong and that there is only what is "Useful" or "More Useful". And that everything is a "learning experience".
What has happened between day 11-20 is that I went up to Seremban over the weekend to meetup with my Significant Other Half(SOH). And that I went with her to do the "Khursus Rumah Tangga".
This is a 2 day weekend course that is needed by Malaysian marriage law that I MUST go through before I can proceed to marry my SOH.
YES! I am going to get married soon! (Yippee!)
So, when I was over there, I didn't spend time in the gym BUT i did spend time on Day 15's morning to do 15 mins of High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT) running. So, at least I did something for my BFL Programme that I didn't do anything to neglect it.
Of course there was the question of eating. When situation like going to my future-in-laws house over the weekend, there is bound to be abundant foods to eat right? Plus, my desire to eat foods like:
• Satay (Kajang)
• Roti Chanai
• Roti Telur
• Ramly Burger
• etc
So, yes, my diet did take a beating and I guess I did take more free days that what was allocated for the week.
Still, I am proud of myself because the day that I was supposed to leave for Seremban, I am happy to say that I consumed good quality protein/meal from the Gym's Pro Cafe before I head of that morning of the 21st July. I would note that I was very happy to consume a serving of Muscle Milk and Tuna Sandwich.
It was my second time drinking the Ready To Drink(RTD) Muscle Milk and the taste is superb! Like melted ice cream!
The after taste is funny though because it gave me a slight bitter after taste that lasted for a long time. Even after I sucked on some sweets.
After that, my meals was like the above list.
Anyways, after coming back from Seremban, I started my new job at Media Architects Pte Ltd.
YES! I'm back to a more steady and more paying job! (Yippee!)
And I got 3 BODYCOMBAT class to cover last week. Plus a whole day of BODYCOMBAT demo at California Fitness Orchard Gym on Saturday, 29th July. So you can imagine how much things I had to juggle.
Anyways, for the week of Day 11-20, I did a lot of cardio and managed to do 1 day of weight training for the Chest.
Next, week, I foresee another week of more cardio training than weight training. I guess that when there is something new happening to any BFLifers, there is bound to be some serious adjustment that needs to be done.
Things like:
• A road trip away from home
• A new working arrangement
• Something that causes your normal weekly routine to be adjusted.
Anyways, this is what life is all about. In NLP, I am taught to stay focused on the outcome and enjoy the journey.
"When life push you down, look up!"
Cheers! =)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Day 10! (Hello!)
Hi Y'all!
I'm just going to write a special "Hello" to some people that I have come to understand who'll be looking at my blog today and a few days later.
Just yesterday I was sharing with a group of people whom we've decided to meet every once a month to help and encourage each other to reach our goal of launching something significant in the field of Internet Marketing, about my passion in health, nutrition and fitness.
One of the things that we have all committed to do was to start our own Blog. I know that I have done mine and what I'll do is to help the rest to get theirs up as soon as possible.
Hmmm..... make that by the end of the month which will give the rest of us roughly 1.5 weeks to complete.
Starting out a blog is not that difficult. I am sure some of us who is "experts" in this did go through a little learning curve period and I am sure that once we all get the hang of it, it is easy as A-B-C.
Anyway, I digress from the main topic of today that is: Day 10!
Today, I am proud of myself that I get to do my weights training first and then the cardio routine later. I did lateral shoulder raises today and did a full BODYCOMBAT class.
Now, some of you may be wondering if there is a FULL COMBAT class, that means there is a cut down version?
Yes. There is actually 3 types:
I hear that in Japan, they have 30 mins COMBAT class:
Hmmmm..... I gotta go check and confirm.
As for my concern, I'd prefer the Full version. I bet that there are some who disagree as BFL outline that there should only be a 15mins HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) carsio routine.
That is why I mentioned that this BFL programme of mine is not quite BFL standard and the only thing that I follow is the 12-weeks duration from this to this.
Another thing that I alter to my training style is the Weight Training. BFL does it .... well, I'm not going to explain it in too much detail as I am only giving myself 5 minutes to complete my blogs.
My weight training is EDT(Escalating Density Training). Check it out:
Okay. I gotta go. More from me tomorrow.
Cheers! =)
I'm just going to write a special "Hello" to some people that I have come to understand who'll be looking at my blog today and a few days later.
Just yesterday I was sharing with a group of people whom we've decided to meet every once a month to help and encourage each other to reach our goal of launching something significant in the field of Internet Marketing, about my passion in health, nutrition and fitness.
One of the things that we have all committed to do was to start our own Blog. I know that I have done mine and what I'll do is to help the rest to get theirs up as soon as possible.
Hmmm..... make that by the end of the month which will give the rest of us roughly 1.5 weeks to complete.
Starting out a blog is not that difficult. I am sure some of us who is "experts" in this did go through a little learning curve period and I am sure that once we all get the hang of it, it is easy as A-B-C.
Anyway, I digress from the main topic of today that is: Day 10!
Today, I am proud of myself that I get to do my weights training first and then the cardio routine later. I did lateral shoulder raises today and did a full BODYCOMBAT class.
Now, some of you may be wondering if there is a FULL COMBAT class, that means there is a cut down version?
Yes. There is actually 3 types:
- Full: 1 hour (roughly)
- Shorten: 45 mins (roughly)
- Even shorter: 30mins (roughly)
I hear that in Japan, they have 30 mins COMBAT class:
- Warm up track
- Combat 1
- Power 1
- Combat 2
- Power 2
- Cool Down.
Hmmmm..... I gotta go check and confirm.
As for my concern, I'd prefer the Full version. I bet that there are some who disagree as BFL outline that there should only be a 15mins HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) carsio routine.
That is why I mentioned that this BFL programme of mine is not quite BFL standard and the only thing that I follow is the 12-weeks duration from this to this.
Another thing that I alter to my training style is the Weight Training. BFL does it .... well, I'm not going to explain it in too much detail as I am only giving myself 5 minutes to complete my blogs.
My weight training is EDT(Escalating Density Training). Check it out:
Okay. I gotta go. More from me tomorrow.
Cheers! =)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Day 9!
It's day nine!
I have stuck to the usual routine that is:
Although I have called my programme my BFL(Body-For-Life) Programme, it isn't. Really!
The only thing that is 12 weeks is that my deadline, that is by 1st September, I will be looking something like this:

Even the eating I find is the most challenging and if you have read Bill Phillips Book: Body-for-Life, he encourages eating 6 or 7 times a day. That is something like 1 small meal every 2 or 3 hours.
If you were to think about it, that is possible:
I bet that there are folks out there that is doing this right now. And I bet that they are not complaining about this. And also for the folks who stringly claims that they ony eat 3 square meals a day, I bet that on occasions, they'll snack in between. (Heh heh heh....)
"BUT! Isn't this too much? Eathing like this? I'd grow FAT doing this!"
Yeah, I hear ya! If you read the previous, previous paragraph about what Bill Phillips suggests: "...small meals..." you'll realize that meals during the "big 3" should not be that huge:
Can you guys imagine the disaster that is happening to our bodies as we continue doing this. I am sure that there is those amongst you who don't / won't do this all the time because when the weekend comes, REALLY NORMAL eating habits may be restored.
Okay, I know that it is not my place here to advice what should be or what should not be done as there are real EXPERTS out there who can (really) advice you what to do to get that Body-for-life.
I have always mentioned Bill Phillips and his Body-for-Life programme and now, I believe that it is time to introduce to you guys the real no BS guy whom I really admire: Tom Venuto of Burn The Fat. Feed The Muscle fame. Check out his website:
Cheers! =)
It's day nine!
I have stuck to the usual routine that is:
- Good breakfast with protein in it
- Weight training first then
- Cardio routine.
- Post workout protein drink
- After 1-2 hours later: good proportionate lunch
- Work routine.
- Tea: Coffee + proportionate amount of protein
- Dinner: Good proportionate dinner
- Supper: Pre-sleep meal
Although I have called my programme my BFL(Body-For-Life) Programme, it isn't. Really!
The only thing that is 12 weeks is that my deadline, that is by 1st September, I will be looking something like this:

Even the eating I find is the most challenging and if you have read Bill Phillips Book: Body-for-Life, he encourages eating 6 or 7 times a day. That is something like 1 small meal every 2 or 3 hours.
If you were to think about it, that is possible:
- Morning Breakfast
- Pre lunch break/2nd breakfast
- Lunch
- Tea time / pre dinner break
- Dinner
- Supper
"BUT! Isn't this too much? Eathing like this? I'd grow FAT doing this!"
Yeah, I hear ya! If you read the previous, previous paragraph about what Bill Phillips suggests: "...small meals..." you'll realize that meals during the "big 3" should not be that huge:
- Soup +
- Appetizer +
- Main dish +
- Dessert +
- Beverage (Tea/Coffee/whatever...)
- Morning: Coffee/Tea/nothing because no time to eat
- 2nd breakie(what's that?!)
- Lunch: Big lunch meal! (or no time to eat / eat "Old Chang Khee" = junk!)
- Tea time (or only when the boss is not around!)
- Dinner: Big dinner meal! (really haveta eat becos too hungry now / again no time)
- Supper: Big super meal!! (really really haveta eat because have not eaten the whole day!)
Can you guys imagine the disaster that is happening to our bodies as we continue doing this. I am sure that there is those amongst you who don't / won't do this all the time because when the weekend comes, REALLY NORMAL eating habits may be restored.
Okay, I know that it is not my place here to advice what should be or what should not be done as there are real EXPERTS out there who can (really) advice you what to do to get that Body-for-life.
I have always mentioned Bill Phillips and his Body-for-Life programme and now, I believe that it is time to introduce to you guys the real no BS guy whom I really admire: Tom Venuto of Burn The Fat. Feed The Muscle fame. Check out his website:
Cheers! =)
Monday, July 17, 2006
Day 8!
Today is day 8 and I would like to say that I am satisfied with what I have achieved. I believe that many people doing the BFL would agree with me that the hardest part of the BFL programme is the eating portion.
Like today, I find that when I went to the Food Court, my challenge was to find foods that were “clean”. The nearest I could find was Fish Soup with Rice, Yong Tou Foo and Rice Mix.
Anyway, for the workout portion, I did BODYCOMBAT (as usual) and did weight training after that. I did Back Training / Wide Lats Cable Pulls today because I missed doing that last week.
Overall I am satisfied and I plan to do weight training first tomorrow and then do BODYCOMBAT. So the plan is Chest Training / Bar Bell Bench Press and Cardio Routine: BC.
Cheers! =)
Like today, I find that when I went to the Food Court, my challenge was to find foods that were “clean”. The nearest I could find was Fish Soup with Rice, Yong Tou Foo and Rice Mix.
Anyway, for the workout portion, I did BODYCOMBAT (as usual) and did weight training after that. I did Back Training / Wide Lats Cable Pulls today because I missed doing that last week.
Overall I am satisfied and I plan to do weight training first tomorrow and then do BODYCOMBAT. So the plan is Chest Training / Bar Bell Bench Press and Cardio Routine: BC.
Cheers! =)
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Day Seven!
"What has happened to day 4 - 6?!", sayz a friend of mine. "You quit?"
Well, okay. I admit that I did quit BUT I didn't quit my BFL programme. I just quit the the thought of me having to put up something new on the Blog every day! Do you know how much time I have to put aside to do that?
I know that I only have to discipline myself 5 minutes a day to update my BFL Journal/Blog but I start to realize that I have been taking more time to do it.
Guys! I just realize something. I'm starting to put DISEMPOWERING words into this blog! Words like "but". And I am putting excuses about not updating it when what I have committed to do was to update this blog daily. I committed myself to make this like my REAL BFL Journal.
I guess I have to do something about this eh?
O'right! Instead of me beating about the bush not updating my BFL Blog, let me just update on what has transpired:
13th July 2006 (Thursday):
I remembered that I woke up to do BODYCOMBAT at 7:00am because Cheslyn was teaching and I wanted to have a FEEL of her class as I was going to teach it on the 27th July. I'll be going for her class again on 20th July.
Another reason for me to do her class was because I wanted to train up my body to get used to teaching more than one class a day. I may be getting my own class one day and I may have to teach more than one class per day. Also, after doing her class at 7:00am, I was doing Singapore's Health Promotion Board - Fitness @ Work programme at 6:30 - 7:30pm at the National Library, Bugis.
Yeah! I really ENJOYED the experience at thhe National Library and I really AM looking forward to the next one on the 20th July.
SO I did a lot of cardio (BODYCOMBAT) and no weights training. Even though I had slated an abs routine after BC.
14th July 2006 (Friday):
I wanted to do like yesterdays routine albeit with woeights training thrown in. And again I guess I had to listen to my body because it is the 1st week of BFL and I should ease myself into a double cardio day. At night: 8:50pm-9:50pm was a special occasion because it was my good friend and BC instructors last class here in Singapore before he goes over to New York the next day to do his Masters Degree! Way to go Li!
So again just cardio and no weights training AND after the BC Party, there was "makan" party! That means eating at Lau Pa Sat: Satay, Chicken Wings, Otak-otak, etc. (I guess free day?)
15th July 2006 (Saturday):
I wanted to do weights earlier before BC and I guess I didn't look after my time and I was late for it and I only did BC. I has the opportunity to do weights after BC and I took the time to do much needed research/updates for my Internet Marketing project. I had a good clean meal at Raffles Gym's eatery: Brown rice + 5 spices Beef + egg whites + gravied greens.
After that, it was off to AKLTG Coaches gathering at Trina's house (somewhere in Ang Mo Kio) and had junk for dinner! Potato chips, sausages, chicken wings, tuna-mayo-sandwitches, brownies, etc etc. (Darn! Another free day?)
16th July 2006 (Sunday):
So today I thought that I can go down to the gym early and do weights first and then BC later.
It is like a pattern for this week: lots of cardio + no weights + extra cheat day.
For meals: I had a good breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Well dinner is late: 8:45pm (as usual because it is my once a week dinner time with parents) I plan to eat Beef + Mui Fan. That's kinda ok right?
"What has happened to day 4 - 6?!", sayz a friend of mine. "You quit?"
Well, okay. I admit that I did quit BUT I didn't quit my BFL programme. I just quit the the thought of me having to put up something new on the Blog every day! Do you know how much time I have to put aside to do that?
I know that I only have to discipline myself 5 minutes a day to update my BFL Journal/Blog but I start to realize that I have been taking more time to do it.
Guys! I just realize something. I'm starting to put DISEMPOWERING words into this blog! Words like "but". And I am putting excuses about not updating it when what I have committed to do was to update this blog daily. I committed myself to make this like my REAL BFL Journal.
I guess I have to do something about this eh?
O'right! Instead of me beating about the bush not updating my BFL Blog, let me just update on what has transpired:
13th July 2006 (Thursday):
I remembered that I woke up to do BODYCOMBAT at 7:00am because Cheslyn was teaching and I wanted to have a FEEL of her class as I was going to teach it on the 27th July. I'll be going for her class again on 20th July.
Another reason for me to do her class was because I wanted to train up my body to get used to teaching more than one class a day. I may be getting my own class one day and I may have to teach more than one class per day. Also, after doing her class at 7:00am, I was doing Singapore's Health Promotion Board - Fitness @ Work programme at 6:30 - 7:30pm at the National Library, Bugis.
Yeah! I really ENJOYED the experience at thhe National Library and I really AM looking forward to the next one on the 20th July.
SO I did a lot of cardio (BODYCOMBAT) and no weights training. Even though I had slated an abs routine after BC.
14th July 2006 (Friday):
I wanted to do like yesterdays routine albeit with woeights training thrown in. And again I guess I had to listen to my body because it is the 1st week of BFL and I should ease myself into a double cardio day. At night: 8:50pm-9:50pm was a special occasion because it was my good friend and BC instructors last class here in Singapore before he goes over to New York the next day to do his Masters Degree! Way to go Li!
So again just cardio and no weights training AND after the BC Party, there was "makan" party! That means eating at Lau Pa Sat: Satay, Chicken Wings, Otak-otak, etc. (I guess free day?)
15th July 2006 (Saturday):
I wanted to do weights earlier before BC and I guess I didn't look after my time and I was late for it and I only did BC. I has the opportunity to do weights after BC and I took the time to do much needed research/updates for my Internet Marketing project. I had a good clean meal at Raffles Gym's eatery: Brown rice + 5 spices Beef + egg whites + gravied greens.
After that, it was off to AKLTG Coaches gathering at Trina's house (somewhere in Ang Mo Kio) and had junk for dinner! Potato chips, sausages, chicken wings, tuna-mayo-sandwitches, brownies, etc etc. (Darn! Another free day?)
16th July 2006 (Sunday):
So today I thought that I can go down to the gym early and do weights first and then BC later.
It is like a pattern for this week: lots of cardio + no weights + extra cheat day.
For meals: I had a good breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Well dinner is late: 8:45pm (as usual because it is my once a week dinner time with parents) I plan to eat Beef + Mui Fan. That's kinda ok right?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Day Three.
I bet that there are some of you out there who wants to see my "BEFORE" and "AFTER" pictures right?
Heh heh heh.....
Yep.... Don't I look "cute" eh? (Muahhahahahah!!!)
Then after 2 or was it 3 cycles of BFL since year 2000, I looked like this:

Heh heh heh.....
Yep.... Don't I look "cute" eh? (Muahhahahahah!!!)
Then after 2 or was it 3 cycles of BFL since year 2000, I looked like this:

Not bad eh? Well... that picture of me "flexing" my biceps was taken in 2003. Since then, I've been pretty much the same but after I got myself tested for Body Fat % level, I was shocked to find that I am at an unhealthy 24%. So, it is time for me to get down to business. My main goal is to get to optimum 10% and I am sure I'd look well with a body like this:

Don't I look good. This is what I'll get when I've completed my BFL#5 cycle!
Cool, eh?
Cheers! =)
Cool, eh?
Cheers! =)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Second Day!
Today is my second day and I am committed to make sure that I post this Blog as I progress through my BFL programme.
I am excited because I met a fellow gym buddy, Rosie Phang, and she says that I look good. Ironically she asked me if I am on BFL and I just mentioned to her that I am just starting a new cycle.
Now, don't get me wrong as today is only the second day and there is already marked improvement to my physiology? Of course not!
Rosie has not seen me for many months and today she is just commenting on how improved my muscle definition is. (Actually she said that I looked good and she kept looking at my arms.) I thank her for it and explained to her that I have been consistent with my trainings and eating habits. Albeit that my eating has "suffered" lately because of the lack of DISCIPLINE!
That is one of the reasons that I want to start BFL # 5.
My main goal this year is to have a better body and that I want to target 10% body fat after this 12 weeks programme.
Of course my muscles will remain as they are (I'm sure) and that I'll still be able to improve my overall strength and stamina.
Yesterday, I posted that I item legs had a question mark. (Legs?)
Allow me to explain:
Because I am teaching BODYCOMBAT(BC) more often, I fear that my performance as an effective BC instructor will suffer because of DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Strain). This is a challenge to me that I want to resolve soon because I believe that there are others out there like myself who wants to train legs and yet feel strong enough to do their daily tasks.
Alright, next post, I'll be putting up my BEFORE pictures and will continue to discuss more about DOMS especially in the legs.
Cheers! =)
Today is my second day and I am committed to make sure that I post this Blog as I progress through my BFL programme.
I am excited because I met a fellow gym buddy, Rosie Phang, and she says that I look good. Ironically she asked me if I am on BFL and I just mentioned to her that I am just starting a new cycle.
Now, don't get me wrong as today is only the second day and there is already marked improvement to my physiology? Of course not!
Rosie has not seen me for many months and today she is just commenting on how improved my muscle definition is. (Actually she said that I looked good and she kept looking at my arms.) I thank her for it and explained to her that I have been consistent with my trainings and eating habits. Albeit that my eating has "suffered" lately because of the lack of DISCIPLINE!
That is one of the reasons that I want to start BFL # 5.
My main goal this year is to have a better body and that I want to target 10% body fat after this 12 weeks programme.
Of course my muscles will remain as they are (I'm sure) and that I'll still be able to improve my overall strength and stamina.
Yesterday, I posted that I item legs had a question mark. (Legs?)
Allow me to explain:
Because I am teaching BODYCOMBAT(BC) more often, I fear that my performance as an effective BC instructor will suffer because of DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Strain). This is a challenge to me that I want to resolve soon because I believe that there are others out there like myself who wants to train legs and yet feel strong enough to do their daily tasks.
Alright, next post, I'll be putting up my BEFORE pictures and will continue to discuss more about DOMS especially in the legs.
Cheers! =)
Monday, July 10, 2006
First Day!
Today as I write this journal will be my 1st day's entry into my 12 weeks Body-For-Life program.
Yes. I am doing it again. I think this would be my 5th cycle after many many months. I think it has been more than a year since I last did it properly. Most of the time, I still follow the fundamentals and the only difference is that my food management was not very strict.
Plus, I also did not discipline myself on doing the proper BFL documentation eg: planning what BFL actions to take for next week, what foods I will consume, what exercises I will do.
This time, it'll be different!
Today i'll be doing BODYCOMBAT only as I left the house late to do weight training. Today should have been weight training for chest & BODYCOMBAT.
My Body-For-Life regimen will be:
Mondays: Chest & BODYCOMBAT
Tuesdays: Rear shoulders/upper back & BODYCOMBAT
Wednesdays: Abs & BODYCOMBAT
Thursdays: Lower back & BODYCOMBAT
Fridays: Lats & BODYCOMBAT
Saturdays: Legs? & BODYCOMBAT
Sundays: BODYCOMBAT only / rest day
It appears that I am not following Bill Phillips BFL guidelines ie Weight Training 3x a week and HIIT Cardio routine 3x a week and 1 day rest/off/cheat day. This is because since 22nd June 2006, I have been officially signed on as California Fitness Centers (Singapore) Gym BODYCOMBAT(BC) instructor and I am putting myself thru a lot of BC trainings. I just want to make sure that I do the BC moves well.
Yes. I am doing it again. I think this would be my 5th cycle after many many months. I think it has been more than a year since I last did it properly. Most of the time, I still follow the fundamentals and the only difference is that my food management was not very strict.
Plus, I also did not discipline myself on doing the proper BFL documentation eg: planning what BFL actions to take for next week, what foods I will consume, what exercises I will do.
This time, it'll be different!
Today i'll be doing BODYCOMBAT only as I left the house late to do weight training. Today should have been weight training for chest & BODYCOMBAT.
My Body-For-Life regimen will be:
Mondays: Chest & BODYCOMBAT
Tuesdays: Rear shoulders/upper back & BODYCOMBAT
Wednesdays: Abs & BODYCOMBAT
Thursdays: Lower back & BODYCOMBAT
Fridays: Lats & BODYCOMBAT
Saturdays: Legs? & BODYCOMBAT
Sundays: BODYCOMBAT only / rest day
It appears that I am not following Bill Phillips BFL guidelines ie Weight Training 3x a week and HIIT Cardio routine 3x a week and 1 day rest/off/cheat day. This is because since 22nd June 2006, I have been officially signed on as California Fitness Centers (Singapore) Gym BODYCOMBAT(BC) instructor and I am putting myself thru a lot of BC trainings. I just want to make sure that I do the BC moves well.
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