Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day 23!

Monday, 31st July 2006 (Day 22!)

Like most Monday's, I usually do 12:50pm-1:50pm BODYCOMBAT at California Fitness Gym, Orchard; led by instructor extrodinaire: Suhaimi. And unlike other days, I was chosen to "cover" his class; ie to teach it rather than to participate as a member.

So, what happened was I woke up a little later on Monday's as usual and I decided to do some weight training (Assisted Chin-ups) and then teach BODYCOMBAT. So it went that way for Monday + I had a nice chat with Cathelin who, with me and the other BC "warrioirs" did Saturday's BODYCOMBAT demo for the whole of last Saturday afternoon.

She is such a nice girl (and has a really great body). It must be because she works out well. You can check her out at http://www.friendster.com/nitecherub

Tuesday: I missed my weight training. I believe it is because I am settling into my new job at Media Architects Pte Ltd and that I was not sure how fast I could finish up my BC routine and weight training that I simply did BC only.

It looks like I may have to go back to quasi BFL programme of 1 day cardio + 1 day weights + 1 day cardio etc. Boo hoo!!! I'm going to miss doing BC everyday.

Well, as how most NLP practitioneers would do, "look on the bright side".

Tomorrow I'll be teaching BC at HPB, Fitness @ Work, Riverside Promenade at 6:30 with Ayesha. I love teaching the people there because they are the normal public and behaves very enthusiastically.

So, tomorrow no weights training and only cardio. Thursday is weights training day I think.

Cheers! =)
